Cyrano’s Brother
 20.5” x 12.75” x 9” – 2000 

Category:  Human Condition
A wooden paint-encrusted palette is hinged to a shallow wooden box.  Inside the box is a carved wood face with a cow’s horn affixed to the forehead.

Cyrano de Bergerac is the play by Edmond Rostand about a real French soldier, expert swordsman, and possessor of an extremely long nose. In the play, Cyrano serves as the spokesman of the suitor Christian, who was pursuing Roxanne. 

In creating Cyrano’s Brother, I was thinking about many metaphorical meanings of the cow’s horn in the sculpture.
*horn = 1900’s cowboy slang = to horn in=to butt in
*jazz wind instrument = trumpet
*horn – penile erection- also called a hard-on, which can mean an aggressive attitude

 I was also thinking about Cyrano’s swordsmanship and his “rapier” wit or tongue.  The paint-encrusted palette represents a facade.

Cyrano's Brother